All posts by Martha Goodliffe


Weekend Hiking

East Coast

We (Matt, Martha, Meagan, Morgan) finally made it to Cochran Falls this past Sunday.  It was a beautiful day and we set out to explore with Jack and Jill at our heels.  We took the truck to the trail head since there were a couple of big creeks between farm house and the start of the trail and the dogs followed us the whole way.  They are very fast.

We didn’t intend to take them, but we had a moment of realization that hadn’t occurred to us before.  If Jack and Jill follow us to the falls, well, they are still our responsibility.  This became especially important when they came upon a campsite with a small dog that was more like Bailey,Barley (excitable) than Jack,Jill (mellow).   A few tense moments for all when J2 tried to make friends, some scraps of rope for make shift leashes, and we were happily underway.

Overall – a very cool hike and very close to home.  Unfortunately a wrong turn and a downed tree kept us from seeing the main falls but we will be back.

Matt took a couple pictures along the way that we will post to the Gallery.

West Coast

Dad has a new hiking gadget!

I thought this was really cool and he gave me permission to post the link, so here it is:

I love the fact that you can see the hike at regular intervals. This will be especially great so when he is on a long hike, we will be able to find him if he falls off a Mountain :).

His weekend hike looks like a very cool hike with a serious elevation change (over 2000 foot increase).   Wow!

Love to all!

Farm House Page

The current farm house and plans for renovation.

What the farm house floor plan looks like today: Farm House

Farm House is in a great location, but it does need a LOT of work. This will be worth it, because as the contractor says – ‘it has good bones’. So – we renovate.. But because of the size of the project – first we need a place to stay and because this will be our permanent home site – Barn House. Barn House is going to get his own page.

Farm House Renovation Highlights

New Windows / Insulation
Drywall Repair
Ceiling Repair
Interior Electrical and Wiring
Kitchen and Bath fixtures
Flooring throughout
Siding repair and paint
Grading for basement leaks
Roof Repair
Porch Repair
To make it nicer
Make the Kitchen bigger and create a more open floor plan
Redo the porch – fix the roof so the porch doesn’t need to be covered because this blocks a lot of natural light.
None of this will start for at least 6-9 months because of Barn House.

Farm House Updates are posted in the Farm House Blog.


A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community.  It is wrong when it tends otherwise.

– Aldo Leopold

No Bees, No Honey.

– Roman Proverb

You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

– Martin Luther King, Jr.

There is no innovation that can’t be emasculated by over zealous security

– James Capaldo

Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.

– John Lennon


There is no difficulty that enough love will no conquer; No disease that enough love will not heal; No door that enough love will not open; No guilt that enough love will not bridge; No wall that enough love will not throw down; No sin that enough love will not redeem…

It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, How hopeless the outlook, How muddled the tangle, How great the mistake, A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all…  If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world…

– Emmet Fox