The current farm house and plans for renovation.
What the farm house floor plan looks like today: Farm House
Farm House is in a great location, but it does need a LOT of work. This will be worth it, because as the contractor says – ‘it has good bones’. So – we renovate.. But because of the size of the project – first we need a place to stay and because this will be our permanent home site – Barn House. Barn House is going to get his own page.
Farm House Renovation Highlights
New Windows / Insulation
Drywall Repair
Ceiling Repair
Interior Electrical and Wiring
Kitchen and Bath fixtures
Flooring throughout
Siding repair and paint
Grading for basement leaks
Roof Repair
Porch Repair
To make it nicer
Make the Kitchen bigger and create a more open floor plan
Redo the porch – fix the roof so the porch doesn’t need to be covered because this blocks a lot of natural light.
None of this will start for at least 6-9 months because of Barn House.
Farm House Updates are posted in the Farm House Blog.