So I try and delay getting up for awhile to not disturb my neighbors but by 5 I am starting to pack. I generally have breakfast at the camp site but this time I decided to delay until later so to disturb them as little as possible. As I was putting on my pack and getting ready to leave, one of them said “have a good hike”. I could not tell who said it so I whispered thanks and told him to do the same. Below are some early morning views.
PCT 2324 to 2335. Early morning view PCT 2324 to 2335. California buckwheat PCT 2324 to 2335. Early morning view PCT 2324 to 2335. Early morning view
It was a little chilly in the morning and so I left on my layer of sleeping clothes and put hiking clothes over them. After about 3 hours of hiking, the sun was up and it was warmer. So I stopped to have breakfast and remove the extra layers. The 2 carnation instant breakfasts were yummy and just what I needed. I had done a little climbing and I could tell I did not have the same energy I would have had if I had had breakfast in camp.
I start hiking again and within 10 minutes a storm blew in from over the peaks and the temperature dropped by about 20 degrees. It was really pretty amazing that conditions could change that fast. My thoughts moved to the missing hiker who perhaps was caught totally off guard as well. I was told he was caught in a snow storm. I really did not believe I was in any danger of that. Thought it might rain but that did not happen either. I got a little wet from being in the clouds but the only thing that happened was I hiked faster to stay warm. Below are some videos of the clouds. Me in them, then me above them.
There is a pretty big wind and eventually the clouds are all blown over to other mountains and the sun is shining again. I meet two young men that are obviously hunting. For what, I ask. Black Bear, they respond. I tell them they should come to Georgia, sit on my front porch, and kill the black bear that is getting in my garbage. They told me to send the black bear to Washington. I don’t think either option is going to work out.
Chinook Pass is my destination and I’m getting close. Martha, Matt, and Lenora are going to pick me up there. I will go back to Oroville for a couple days and then return to the trail to connect the dots from White Pass to Trout Creek. Some scenery on the way to Chinook Pass. I look for a skunk on the way down to freshen up the car a bit before I get in but could not find one.
PCT 2324 to 2335. Little lake down there PCT 2324 to 2335. Just pretty PCT 2324 to 2335. Sheep Lake
- Miles: 13.1
- Steps: 32897
- PCT Mile: 2323
- Elevation: 5392
- Location: