Martha brings me back to Islip Saddle early in the morning. At the beginning of the trail we have the sign below. I keep wondering why I can’t seem to get a good picture of it and I remember latter that I still had my headlamp on in red light mode. Seems appropriate for the sign however.

Martha captures the start of my hike with my headlamp still on. Just a red light moving up the hill.
A little later I take a picture of the sign below. Headlamp still on!! I’m climbing up to the top of Mt. Baden-Powell.

Just love the PCT in the morning!! Do you wonder why I never get a picture of a sunset? Because by the time the sun sets I have generally been asleep for at least 2 hours.

I kept going past the plant below and one time brushed up against it and ended up with spines in my pants. A nasty little plant.

Working my way up to the top of Mt. Baden-Powell I take some pictures.

The video below is me at the top of this part of the world. And now it is time to start the long walk back down to Vincents Gap along Hwy 2. 4 miles down about a 13% grade. Lots and lots of switchbacks. There are some people I see on the way down that are working their way to the top and some that just go up part way and make a lot of noise and then walk back down to Vincent gap.
About 2 hours from the top I see a couple deer and manage the get a picture of the backside of one. Can you see it?

I finally make it down to Vincent Gap on Hwy 2 which has a picnic table and toilets. I make sure of each. Martha has left a cache of water here as well and so I fill up on water and camp here for the night. Pretty good day of hiking. Nice views at the top of the mountain.