Category Archives: PCT2017

June 19 – PCT 1597 to 1600

Not a good beginning… 3 miles!!  Actually folks it was 3 miles along the trail and then 3 miles BACK.  So to my credit, I did 6 miles :).   In the previous day we came up to Etna Summit to look and see where I would be hiking and really could not see very much snow and I was feeling pretty confident about the hike.  When I arrived today and starting hiking it felt pretty good.  At about 2 miles there was a trail registry and there were only about 6 entries in it.   Most hikers for this year just have not made it this far yet and really those that have made it this far have skipped ahead because the High Sierra’s are still packed with snow and people are not getting through yet.  So some of them are skipping ahead and will go back to do the High Sierra section later.  Anyway, one entry in the registry was made by a couple and they indicated that were here and then the next day they were HERE again and going back because there was too much snow for their comfort zone about 8 miles ahead on the north face of  the Marble Mountains.   I figured I would check that out for myself but after only 1 more mile I decided it was just not going to happen.  The fact is I was not not in shape to be carrying a 50 pound pack.  My right side lower back, butt, and hip were all on fire.  I’m not sure where the pain was but knew after just 3 miles that I could not continue.   For the last 2 months I have had sciatica issues on my right side that I thought was better.   Maybe better BUT obviously very weak.

Anyway, below is picture looking out from the Summit after about 30 minutes of hiking.

Etna Summit

On the way back I ran into a PCT’er named “Don’t Panic” and I told him about the registry, the snow, and people turning back.  He asked if I could remember the names, which I did, and he mentioned he had walked with them for awhile last week and they were competent hikers but he was still going forward to check for himself.   Don’t know if he ended up continuing and it really does not matter because I did not turn back because of snow but because physically I just was not going to make it.

I was pretty depressed and wondered what I was going to do.  On the drive back to the motel Lenora reminded me (gently) how hard I had trained the first year.  Hiking on the weekends and during the weekdays working out on the treadmill with 60 pounds of buck shot in a backpack.  This year I had done NOTHING.  Plenty of excuses but basically I did not do what needed to be done to prepare.  So we decided we would continue but at a slow pace and work back into being the hiker I was at the end of 2015.

Lenora’s story:

We took our time reaching this spot.  We stopped yesterday on our way to the hotel in Medford to explore Ashland.  We enjoyed the weekend displays of art, pottery, crystals, wood work and clothing and ate a delightful lunch complete with tequila.  After lunch we hiked on the trails at the downtown park area long enough to tire me out.  On the way back to the car we stopped and bought me a ticket to attend the Shakespeare Festival on the 27th.  Going back to high school as I chose Julius Caesar as the play I will see.

We had a good last evening and then woke pretty early to get Don to the trail for a full week of hiking.  I will pick him up Saturday evening, or so I think.

Needing a few items I stop twice on my way back to the hotel and arrive to set up my stitching stand and get to work.  Not long before I hear the message signal on the phone and find this message.  “Not going to make it. Turning around”  Panic is immediate.  What happened?  Is he hurt? Is it snow?  Is he sick?  I reply; “I am on my way” and within minutes I am in the car and driving back up the mountain about 1 1/2 hours away.  Once in the car I realize I cannot get onto the Inreach site, have no wi-fi and quickly lose a phone signal so I just drive until I finally get back to where I left him just 4 hours ago.   In about an hour he arrives back at the car.  At least he looks ok.  Happy reunion.  Foot issues, sciatica bad but no injury and we head back down the mountain to Medford.  Did I mention this adventure can be nerve wracking at times?  I am wondering if this is really how we are supposed to spend this summer but this is not a good time to discuss that.

PCT – The journey continues AGAIN

I have been told that I left everyone high and dry last year.  For that I apologize.  We (Lenora and I) had some medical issues last year and had to go off trail but none of the issues were life threatening or anything like that.  After numerous doctor visits, we really still are not clear about what is causing the issue with Lenora’s arms BUT we are going back on the trail this year.  I plan on starting the trail again, where I left of at Etna, on June 19th.  We will see how far we get.  I hope I find that I am the hiker of the first year rather than the hiker of last year.  Yes, Lenora had some issues, but even before that I was not at all happy with my performance.  So we try again.  We hope that by the grace of God, that this year will be better.  We know already that the snowfall this winter was at the 200% level and there is still 50 feet of snow on places I will be hiking.  Wow….. 50 feet of snow!!  So, for the first 2 weeks I will be hiking in places where the snow is not that deep and we will hope that by the time I get to the deep snow… it ain’t deep anymore.  We will see.  So if you are still paying attention, the journey will continue and we will try to share with you the experience.  It is just such a fantastic experience and we hope we can communicate that with our posts.  I encourage you to ask questions, to make comments, to make prayer requests. I am always praising our Lord and Savior while on trail and I would love to include your requests while I am asking the Lord for so much help that I need.   I mean there are only so many times I can be selfish and just ask for myself.  Even for me, that gets boring :).  So help me to tell the Lord what you are thankful for and what you NEED.  Ask and you shall receive.

Lenora’s Story:

I have to admit I am ready for the adventure to continue.  It is like running away for an unexpected vacation.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my life, both lives in fact; the one in Georgia on the farm and the one here with our friends and church family.  In spite of my content with our lives I am ready for the adventure.  No meetings, no chores, no errands to run or things to arrange or organize, no meals to think about and most of all endless hours of stitching.  I bring about 20 projects even though I know I will be lucky to finish a canvas a week.

I do intend to explore the towns we visit and enjoy new shops, new out of the way restaurants and attending mass in a series of never before seen churches.  The church part is important because after last year I am nervous about how each of us is going to handle the experience.  While Don is on the trail for 5 or 6 days each week I often explore nearby towns and always look out for the little churches in those towns.  Some are open to visit and pray and some are locked.  Some have beautiful gardens and some just a little plot of grass and a few flowers.  All are beautiful in the way that only a well loved home can be beautiful despite its age or sometimes need of repair.  I feel at home in each of these places.  It is a gift to me to help with the anxiety of having my husband on his own difficult journey.