Of course my night (after sorting out that Lenora was ok) was another beautiful night looking at the stars. Yesterday I only met one person on the trail and her trail name was “Cheapest Option”. No, I did not ask if she always chose the cheapest option or she was the cheapest option. Just did not seem the right thing to do. She was surprised I had not seen any body else and today I find out why. I am passed by at least 20 other hikers today. I did not really talk with any of them as this is how it went
Them: Sir we are behind you
Me: Ok sorry and I move over
Them: Thank you
and off they go, most of them never to be seen again. I am actually starting to feel stronger but I also now have a raging head cold. Sneezing, ears plugged, nose stuffed, mouth breathing all the way. Today is the day of crossing streams (without bridges) and they are not massive streams but also not streams that can be jumped over. Most of the time it is just easiest to walk right through the stream. I can tell by the water on the trail that others are doing the same thing. So it is a day of wet feet BUT actually it does cool down my feet and so feels rather good.

There is also evidence that the terrain might be changing as there is volcanic rocks about but still most of the walk is within the shade of a forest. Really appreciate the shade and it is a bit hotter that normal here this week.

Early in the morning go through a really nice meadow and have some nice flowers along the way.

About the middle of the day I stop to rest at a road crossing and a car comes by and stops and a lady gets out with two dogs and proceeds to put a pack on. She sees me and comes over to talk and she is training to do the PCT in 2018 when she is going to retire. Says she is just going out for a quick 6 mile hike. We talk about the trail a bit and then she offers me a nice cold root beer out of her car. Wow, what a difference that makes. A cold drink, some fruit or a candy bar and a PCT hiker feels renewed :). She tells me the water is about to stop and that when I get to Cold Spring I should load up on water because it will be dry on the trail for the next 19 miles. Glad she mentioned it because I had been walking through so much water I did not imagine the trail would suddenly go dry. I did load up with water and had a good meal at cold spring BUT when I stopped later and looked at my water it had all turned brown. Somehow something got into the water when I drew it from the spring and I was not sure it was drinkable. I had about a half liter of good water when I stopped. The guide said there was PROBABLY water in about 5 miles if I was willing to hike to it. I was going to be willing but that was going to be tomorrow.
I feel good about the day. Head cold and all.
Phone says 34000 steps and 70 flights
Lenora’s Note:
Tuesday 7/12 PCT
Lady at desk says the metal roof keeps people from getting the wifi and I should sit out in the clearing on the big log. That was where I tried the sat phone and I still can’t send a message on Inreach. I am told that there is cell service about 3 miles south at the vista pullout. Down I go to call Michaels but they do not have my wallet. Get back and remember gas is low so head north to nearest gas station. As I’m leaving a white haired fit looking 60 something woman is setting a full hiking pack next to the road. Gas station busy and slow yet when I get back the lady is still there facing north with her hitchhike hand out. I pull into the hotel lot then decide to go meet her. After all I can’t find my wallet and I’m too agitated and upset with myself to do much.
Her name is Sonia and she is hiking the PCT and will take a ride as far as I am willing to go. Her true destination is where I was yesterday a 2 hour drive away not counting the road work delays. She starts telling me a ride to Burney Falls would be great as she wants to see the falls and thinks I would enjoy them but first she would like breakfast and would like to treat me to breakfast as thanks for the ride. We head into breakfast and as our food is arriving I realize I have a message from Cave Springs and listen to Louie telling me they found my wallet and I should call.
Of course my call doesn’t go through so I use Sonia’s phone and tell Louie I will come for the phone today. The motel I need to get to is about 12 miles from Mt. Shasta which is where Sonia is hoping to reach today so we suddenly have a plan; drive north, stop and see Burney Falls (and take the mile hike up around the falls) then head to Shasta Town and a motel my new friend can stay in for a couple days down time.

By 4:30 or so I’m picking up my wallet at the motel in Dunsmuir and headed back to Hat Creek Resort. By 6:30 a very tired Lenora is settling back in the room after a session in the parking lot trying to send messages to Don.
And the Adventure continues.