I had a remarkably good day yesterday after burning my knee the night before. Last night I truly slept under the stars and as I looked up at those stars I considered just how very fortunate I was. The burn was pretty bad and yet there was no pain to keep from continue the hike to where I could get it treated. While I was not prepared for such an injury with only small bandaids intended for blisters, an angel came by on a horse at the perfect time to help get the burn covered to keep in safe from dirt. As I looked at the stars, I just starting singing to myself “How Great Thou Art”
O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the *worlds thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the *rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed:
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee:
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee:
I am constantly praying while I hike with either Hail Mary’s or Divine Mercy’s or just talking with God, thanking, praising, asking for favors, singing, but tonight seemed pretty special. My thoughts went to the trail Magic I had received that day. The chocolate and the oranges and how someone, some anonymous someone, had taken the time to put out the magic for hikers to use. I would think it is hard for you to imagine just how great this trail magic is. As a thru hiker you are pretty much a minimalist with food. You take just what you need to get to the next resupply point and you can not afford the weight of anything extra. So to come across magic … is…. well… magical. An orange or any fruit is just such an incredible treasure and pleasure. I wondered how different the world would be if we could all be as considerate to the sick, the poor, the homeless, the immigrant as people seem to be to PCT hikers. To hike the PCT and all that entails is my choice. However for the poor, sick, homeless it is hardly ever a choice. It is just a bad sequence of circumstances. There but by the grace of God, go I!! A mistake here, bad timing there, and my entire life would be very different. Yes, I worked hard to get where I am, but that does not mean those less fortunate worked any less hard. During the winter months the city of Escondido allows a homeless shelter but only allows a maximum of 40 people in the shelter. The 41st person gets turned away! It is not that the folks caring and providing want to limit the number but the city seems to want to limit the people. WHY? Is Escondido afraid of being known as the most generous city on the planet? I’m sure they are afraid of being taken advantage of and poor people showing up from all over the land to take advantage. I used to be afraid to give the person on the street corner with that sign that says “need work” or whatever. Do they really? OR are they trying to take advantage of my incredible good nature :). I finally decided that I did not care. That is was not under my control. If I have an extra “orange”, I might as well give it to someone who looks like they need it. If I have an extra “chocolate bunny”, why not give it to someone else. Americans are a generous people and we always chip in when there is a disaster and I think part of that is because we are sure it is a disaster, that we can help, and that we are not being played. I am going to dedicate myself to being just as generous with the people in my own community and never care if I am being played. Lately I have fallen into the trap of trying to judge if the guy on the corner is real in his need or fake. In the end, it does not matter.
Remember that lake I came upon suddenly yesterday? Here is a picture from where I camped just as the sun is about to come up. The water in the distance is that lake.
I mentioned I did not quite hike to the top of the ridge. When I do get to the top and look down this is what I will be hiking towards today and I work myself to McDonald’s and a McFlurry!!
On the way down, I run into Wildebeest again and he is just getting ready to start hiking for the day. This time he is eating Nutter Butter cookies. Two things occur to me. 1) I wonder what Wildebeest sacrifices in order to carry all these cookies (eating Oreos last time if you remember) and 2) I wish Wildebeest would give me a cookie 🙂
A little later, Wildebeest catches and passes me, and I don’t see him when I do get to McDonald’s and will probably never see him again. I wish him well and hope he gets to complete his journey.
The hike is uneventful otherwise. It was a little hotter and dryer than I expected getting to Cajon Pass. Seemed like when I drive past this area is was greener that is today while hiking. The final mile into Cajon Pass is a beautiful little canyon with a bit of a stream and some shade. Once you come out of the canyon, there is I15 is all its beauty and you have this sign directing you to a place that I think every PCT hiker visits.
I stop and try to clean up before going into McDonald’s as I look and smell pretty bad. I have a couple cheeseburgers and 6 nuggets and lots of honey on those nuggets and a Reese’s McFlurry and about 6 glasses of Lemonade. From what I can see, I am modest in what I am eating. One guy who came in after me had 5 full meals (drinks, fries, sandwich) lined up in front of him. Since Lenora can not pick me up until Sunday, I check into the Best Western for the night. Later that day Allison and Andy show up. They are just spending the night and head out right after breakfast the next day. My hiking is over until May 14th. I need to let the knee heal such that infection is not an issue and I have a birding festival in Ohio that I am going to next week. I will be back but it will be awhile. Here is a good way to show you just how dirty I get out on the trail. The picture shows the wash cloth I used to shower and one that is clean. I tried to get the dirt out of the used wash cloth as best I could before the picture.