So what happened between April 8 and April 13 and what happened to miles 42 and 77? Well, I had already planned for a religious seminar for part of this time and decided to take an extra day off to be with Lenora and find out how she really was doing and if I was even going to continue. Turns out she is a trooper and did not want me to stop and convinced me that everything would be fine and the religious seminar (Cursillo) was fantastic. So then the decision was to pick up where I left off OR to pick up where I should have been. This was an easy decision for at least this time because I miles between 42 and 77 I have already done in training last year and it is pretty important I keep to my schedule in order to be able to take Sundays off and get to church.
Mile 77 starts at Hwy 78 just east of Julian and is an interesting start. You immediately start zig zagging up the side of the mountain and after hiking for about an hour and you look down and you have not made any headway in the North direction. You can just look down at where you started directly below you. But every trail mile counts even when you make no headway towards Canada. Once you get to elevation you simply walk along the side of mountain generally gaining a little in elevation along the way until you finally reach a saddle and pass to the other side of the mountain. Then it is down to the floor and back up again. Repeat until you get tired. I got tired at a place called the 3rd gate (because there are gates on sections of the trail sometimes and this was the 3rd such gate on this section of the trail… clever). This also happens to be a spot where there is a huge water cache. Trail angels lug out water to remote places in the desert just for us hikers. Decided to stop here for the night. On the way I met an interesting guy named “Marathon John”. He is retired and approaching 60 in age but a very experienced and fast hiker. He also seems to require practically no water. When I met him we had 7 miles to go to 3rd gate and he had less than 1 liter of water remaining. I on the other had still had 3 liters of water. I asked if he needed more and he said 1 liter was plenty and lectured me on carrying too much water. Foolish to lug water to water he says. Now he did the 7 miles in 2 hours. I did the 7 miles in 3.5 hours. Along the way I met another happy hiker and his name was “Happy Feet”. He said his name did not reflect the state of his feet which were blistered but that he did a jig at some point in the trail and got his name. He seemed happy with the name. A young man who would rather hike than go to school. He did the Appalachian trail two years ago and then went to a year of school and is now doing the PCT. Happy Feet was young and full of energy. When I made it to 3rd gate and the water cache both Marathon John and Happy Feet were there and waiting indicating they were wondering how long it was going to take me go get there. We talked a bit and they continued hiking while I decided to spend the night there. I had what I thought was a good nights sleep but in the morning this guy comes over to me and asks me if I am OK. Sure….. why? Well, he says, because you snored like a bear till midnight and then I never heard you again and so I wondered if you were up all night!! So, I slept great, but apparently this poor guy did not sleep a wink first because I was snoring (like a bear of all things) and then I wasn’t snoring. Poor guy. Turns out his trail name is “Glide” which I found out later on in the trail when our paths crossed again (He did not camp next to me the next time).
Lenora’s Note:
We are easing into this adventure. 3 days hiking followed by 4 days off. It really helps me get ready for the weeks to come. I’m still heavily involved in the Church directory project and need to be home whenever possible so when Don starts again I rush back to Escondido to take care of home chores. I am still in school and working on keeping up with my reading so I can be prepared for the final. School was more fun when we were attending class together.