Aug 2 2022 PCT Between 361 to 374

After a good nights sleep the trail today takes me up from Vincent Gap to the Wrightwood ski lifts. Other than around the ski lifts the trail does not look too steep. After that I have the long mostly downhill walk back into the desert and to Cahon Pass. It will take two days and today I only want to get the the top so I can start my way down tomorrow.

Around 6 in the morning I come to the little section of the trail shown below. It reminds me so much of the PCT just at it enters into Warner Springs early on in the trail.

This reminds me of winding around in trees by Warner Springs California

Around 8 in the morning I get Grassy Hollow Visitor Center which is deserted. There are restrooms there and one of them is open. Suppose to be water here but I did not find any and Martha warned be I would not. Spent a little time here and had a snack before moving on. Looked at the sign below and pondered how many miles I had hiked.

Love this sign!

Around 10 I get to one of the Wrightwood lifts and just need to take a picture of the board of rules.

I don’t ski. Too many rules. Wrightwood Ski Resort

Around 11 I get to some ski lifts. Really wish they were working and I would ride them to the top.

Wrightwood Ski Lift

At 12:30 I take the picture below. I have no idea why. At this time my brain in oxygen deprived and I’m sure I saw something very interesting. Perhaps Big Foot?

There is a lovely amount of contrast in this picture

Around 2 pm Martha meets me on a dirt road to bring me supplies for the walk back into the desert. I get fed diet cokes and quarter pounder with cheese. I get there a little before her and decide to lay down for a nap while I wait. I literally just lie down on the dirt with a rock under my head and fall off to sleep. Just before Martha arrives another hiker comes by and he sees me lying on the road and figures something is wrong. He yells which wakes me up and I look around but can’t see anything and then he comes rushing down the trail worried that I am hurt. About the same time Martha arrives and I tell him that I was just waiting for her to arrive with some supplies. He is greatly relieved and spends the next 45 minutes talking with us and comparing knifes with Martha. He was not a PCT hiker but just a local that liked to hike the area. It was all pretty amusing. I got fed and watered and supplied and continued on.

At 3:30 I am leaving Angeles and entering San Bernardino National Forest.

Entering new National Forest

Not sure how much of a destination Wrightwood is on the PCT. It is a cute town and is probably a good spot for resupply. I have 21.5 miles to go to I15 and termination of this section. Most of that will happen tomorrow.s

Only 21.5 miles to do for this 2022 California PCT Adventure

Got to the top where I am about to start the descent to I15 and decide to stop and take some pictures of where I will be hiking tomorrow. I expect it to be very hot and so I hope to get an early start and get some miles before the sun comes up.

Camp set up right along the ridge

Way down there is Interstate 15. Tomorrows destination.
From campsite looking down into the desert

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