Really want to get the 21 miles in today and make it to Kennedy Meadows so that Lenora and I can spent Sunday in Lone Pine. So I get up at 4 and start walking around 5 I think. After about 2 miles of walking I am surprised to catch up with Paul and Sam. They also want to make it to Kennedy Meadows and so go up and started earlier that I did. I did not notice they had left already. We pretty much hike together all day. The climb to 8000 feet actually ended up being the easiest part of the day. The slope was gentle and the early morning temperature was perfect. All the time I figured it was going to be a grueling climb to 8000 feet and then a gentle slide into Kennedy Meadows which is at about 6000 feet. Just the opposite happened. The ascent was easy and the descent was difficult. The ascent was done in trees and shade. The descent was totally open and it was hot. About half way down there was a spot with 3 lone pine trees and finally a little shade. Paul, Sam, and I each rested under 1 of the trees which provided just enough shade to cover one person. It was a relief and also about this same time some clouds started moving in. Once we got to the bottom there was a water source and some shade and we again rested. There were only 8 miles to go to Kennedy Meadows and I was sure I would make it but the blisters and hip from the previous 2 days were starting to slow me down. Took a long time to do those last 8 miles. I am not sure if Paul and Sam made it because Sam was showing signs of heat exhaustion. Even with the cloud cover she was just terribly hot and was slowing down. About 3 miles from Kennedy Meadows they apparently stopped. I did not notice at the time but they were no longer behind me when I stopped to look around. I slowed down and waited but could never see them. I probably should have walked back. I wish I would have now. Lenora had been making her way from Escondido, to Lone Pine, to the motel, and then back to Kennedy Meadows. I arrived at the road at mile 702 and Lenora was not there but I knew she was on her way and close. I started to walk up the road towards the Kennedy Meadows grocery store and diner and about .25 miles into it, I see Lenora coming over the hill. She picks me up at almost exactly the same spot she found me on my training walk the previous year. I find that totally and completely amazing.
Lenora’s note: It is a relief and a surprise when I actually find Don at the pick up point. I have been so focused on the parish directory that I push my leaving time to the last minute and then worry that he will have to wait too long. Somehow we have been blessed to find each other at each meeting time.