It was a good night and I get up early and try to quietly pack, eat, and start the day. By 5:30 I am hiking with a head lamp on but that usually comes off by about 6 in the morning. I think I have a good planned but what I really do not realize until later is that my intended camping spot for tonight is on the other side of the Knifes Edge. When I find that out my plans will change. Such a beautiful morning. Here is a collection of videos and pictures. I just kept stopping and looking.
There are two guys heading north and have recently gone over the Knifes Edge. They indicated the snow was not a problem but that they were not prepared for how steep and slippery the trail was on the way down. Narrow trail with loose rock underneath at a 16 and sometimes 20 degree slope. They indicated the trail had not been maintained. True actually for most of Washington this year I believe because of COVID. They also indicate that a number of people did not attempt the Knifes Edge yesterday because of high winds. Right now the winds are mild. I meet another guy and his two adult children at Lutz Lake and he indicates that the trail is perfect but that the snow was treacherous and they opted to use the optional trail to go above one of the snow fields. He said as far as he could tell if you slip on the snow field you will end up going down for 1/4 of mile with nothing to stop you.
So the trail is either good or bad. The snow is either not a problem or treacherous. I just have to laugh.
Around noon a gal passes me and we talk a bit. She is doing an 8 day hike. Going from Trout Lake north for 4 days and then turning and returning to Trout Lake. So she has gone over Knifes Edge and is about to do it again. She said there were no issues. Anyway she asked where I camped last night and I indicated at the top of the climb from White Pass. How about you I ask. She said, I’m not sure, it was just called “small campground”. This is chatty girl. Anyway she asked if I wanted my picture taken against the background. OK….. I respond and she takes three pictures. Of course, I return the favor and take some pictures of her. She takes off, never see her again. She is doing 20 mile days.
PCT 2290 and 2280. Just me and some scenery PCT 2290 and 2280. Just me and some scenery PCT 2290 and 2280. Just me and some scenery
It is not long after this, about 2 hours, that I do my first little 16% slop section up to flat spot. The ascent to the Knifes Edge is beginning. I decide to do it in the morning when I am fresh and alert and so I set up camp for the night. There is a small stream flowing from the snow melt by my campsite. Always a plus to have water, especially cold water. Here are some videos and pictures from around campsite.
PCT 2290 and 2280. At campsite PCT 2290 and 2280. At campsite PCT 2290 and 2280. At campsite
- Miles: 10.5
- Steps: 27185
- PCT Mile: 2280
- Elevation: 6001
- Location: