The PCT journey to the Canadian border will continue tomorrow July 5, 2016. Today was a long day of traveling from Escondido to Quincy which is where the journey ended in 2015.
Starting driving at about 3:50 AM and got to Quincy at 3:10 PM. We wanted to start the drive at 3 AM but we had a little problem with one of the cats. We have two cats and they are keeping Lenora company while she waits for me to come off the trail each Sunday. The cat names are Pinot and Syrah (yes named after wines). Pinot is a very clever fellow and he can tell when we are about ready to take a trip and he starts hiding. This morning he was very good at it and it took about 3 complete searches of the house until we happened upon his new hiding place. He got back behind the couch and then climbed inside so that he could not been seen. After exhausting every place he could possibly be, I finally turned the couch over (more in anger than anything else) and out he ran. After driving for a couple hours Syrah decided to get sick and threw up on the driving console and then in his carrier. And of course we forgot the paper towels!!! Lenora got “it” all gathered up into a blanket and then we stopped at a gas station and she cleaned out the blanket in the bath room. She looked at me and laughed and said “I bet you wish you were already on the trail”. So after that fun, the cats settled down and we did not hear from them the rest of the day.
This first week is fairly light and so I should be able to post my first weeks adventures back on the PCT next Saturday and Sunday. I am more anxious about this year that I was last. Probably because last year I was naive and this year I realize that it does not take much to force you off the trail.
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I do a lot of praying on the trail and so if you have some prayer intentions let me know.
Glad y’all made it to Quincy safe and sound, if somewhat eventfully 😉 Happy 4th! Hope you have a good week on the trail getting back in the groove.
Maybe pray for Matt not to kill me – I’m about to order more birds 😛
Have fun! Be safe!
Apparently it is impossible to have too many birds!! And they taste good I hear
I don’t have any intention or inclination to kill Martha. I will plan on killing the birds and processing for yummy meals. ? ? ?
Killing AND Processing. Progress is being made