It was a cold windy night. I was plenty warm in the tent and the sleeping bag and was relaxed listing to the wind howl. Actually helped me to sleep. I was not all that interested in getting out of that warm sleeping bag in the morning but I did and about an hour earlier than I had been getting up lately. During the night the wind had blown one end of my tent out of the tent stakes which is pretty amazing but everything else was normal. So the morning was a two shirt, down coat, ski hat and gloves type of morning. Again most of the walk today was along a crest and especially on the crest the wind was just howling. It almost blew me over a couple times, it did take my breath away a couple times, and to walk I had to lean into the wind. When the wind would subside every now and again, I almost fell over in the direction I was leaning. It was an impressive wind. The valleys on both sides of the crest are beautiful and it is a good day of hiking ….. well a good day of hiking right until the end. It seems whenever I have a destination in mind, the last 2 or 3 miles to that destination seem harder and take forever. This was the case today and I reached Hwy 40 and Donner Pass and had a little over 3 miles to go until Interstate 80. Piece of cake. I could see Interstate 80 from where I was on Hwy 40!! However, sadly, that was not the part of Interstate 80 that the PCT was going to intersect. Rather I had to go over 2 ridges and suddenly my feet hurt. WHATEVER….. I did eventually reach Interstate 80 and Lenora picked me up and we went back to South Lake Tahoe for Thursday night and then on to Sierra City for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday I will be back on the trail for 2 weeks straight as I travel from Sierra City to Burney. It will be my longest continuous time on the trail so far. Here are some pictures from the hike today.