Since the Doctor could not get the results from the hospital, Lenora and I decided to take things into our own hands and went up to the hospital and got the results ourselves and then took them to the Doctor. Then he called me back and said that he already had all those results so I was just very confused. While on Friday he either wanted results from the Hospital OR I would go see a cardiologist by Monday when he called back he had decided for sure he wanted me to go see a cardiologist and so we got an appointment to see one the next Monday (August 17th). I asked him what had changed IF he already had all those results and he just indicted that I had been discharged from the hospital before anyone had reviewed the echocardiogram and he would be more comfortable if I saw the specialist before I went back into the wilderness far away from help. OK…. just very frustrating and we just seem to have 1 week delay after another. So, I will post the results after seeing the cardiologist and hopefully it will be good news and I will be on the trail.
Seeing all the results from the hospital was very interesting and disturbing. The diagnosis points that they used were
1. Obesity
2. Smoker
3. Chest pains
4. Shortness of breath
5. High blood pressure
Basically they got it all wrong except for number 5. I am NOT obese, I am not a smoker, I did not have chest pains, and I do not have shortness of breath unless I am climbing a 12000+ mountain!! Yes, I did smoke lightly for 2 years 45 years ago. Yes I have had chest pains rarely that I told them was probably heart burn. Yes, I do have shortness for breath when climbing a steep incline on a mountain! So they took everything out of context.
But the most egregious error that was made, and the one that has me very angry is this:
General: well-appearing, well-nourished, no acute distress, pleasant
At some other point they said I was alert.
I have never in my life been accused of being pleasant or alert!!!! I am sure that I can find many people that will vouch for me on this and will probably appeal.
More when I know more…