Lenora’s Note:
For me much of the trail experience centers around the 0 days. My adventure centers on finding Don and hearing about his days on the trail, the challenges, the fun, the other hikers and the incredible people who are trail angels. We try various eating places, indulge in wine in the evening, ice cream whenever we see it and a new church to celebrate the Lord’s Day almost every week. This Sunday we walk to mass and I think we are almost regulars in the tiny parish of Lone Pine since we have been there two weeks in a row. Saturday is a 0 day for me as I experience my first migraine in many months after my short trip up to Horseshoe Meadows. Sunday was more of an adventure. We drive up to Whitney Portal and explore the waterfall for a short time before we have one of the worst hamburgers I have ever eaten. I think these folk cook for the starving hiker because nobody else would put up with such dry, overcooked and bland burgers. After eating all I could we headed up the Mount Whitney trail just to see what it is like. It made me want to give that hike a try and we started to plan how we might do the training necessary to get me ready to do it next year.