As mentioned in last post I have rather big plans for today. Still hoping to get very close to Sonoma Pass by the end of the day for two reasons: I want to be able to go to Church on Sunday and we need to start the drive back to Escondido for the Monday afternoon doctor appointment. The elevation profile has finally settled down and I have a lot of flat ground ahead of me. The up and down sections of the trail are minor for the next 20 miles and then the last 10 miles look rather intense to get over Sonoma Pass to Hwy 108 where Lenora will pick me up. I get started about 7 and Rick and Mike are just starting to move and we say goodbye. They are only going to do 9 miles today to get to Dorothy Lake.
Here are some images from Wilma Lake in the morning. As you have figured out I love to get the early morning pictures of lakes when they are reflecting images from the mountains and the trees around them.
The trail is really very gentle. There are a lot more ups and downs that I thought looking at the profile but they are all pretty minor and I make good time. I stop about every hour however because the new light weight pack that I have does cause back pain if I go for any longer. As soon as my back starts aching, I stop for about 5 or 10 minutes and then I am good to go for another hour. When I get back on the trail it will not be with this pack but with a new one OR with a smaller belt on my old pack. I think the lightweight pack will be great for weekend hikes where the weight will be under 35 pounds.
Some flowers along the way. Obviously I am fascinated by the wild flowers and always scanning to see if I can notice a new one.
I have decided to drop my old doctor and try Dr. Delgado. There is just something wrong when the only time you need a doctor in at least 3 years (according to them) that you can’t actually talk to a real person. I am sure it is the right decision and so I definitely need to get home by Monday afternoon. There is really plenty of time but I still feel a bit of pressure to try and get to Hwy 108 today or very early on Sunday.
Here is a picture of Dorothy Lake. When I came over the ridge and saw this lake, my jaw dropped. The lake is as blue as I have ever seen. The blue surrounded by the trees was just amazing. Picture does not do it justice. The other thing is that reaching this lake puts me very close to the 1000 mile mark.
The picture below is much later in the day but just wanted to give you a feel for what is a pretty typical view during this whole section of hiking. Mostly forested, mostly beautiful.
At about mile 1003 you start the ascent to Sonora Pass. It starts out just like the picture above with forests and a meadows but about mile 1005 you emerge from the trees and you are on rock with rocks everywhere for the next 9 miles. Never ending rocks and walking the trail here is like driving in Nebraska or Nevada where the road stretches out before you endlessly. The ascent is gentle but just seems to go on forever. It is pretty much near the end of the day but I push on and think I am going to walk during the night. I seem so close, I am just going to push on. Push on I do, but when the sun goes down and the wind picks up it is just too cold to continue. Only problem is there are nothing but rocks but I do find a little flat place next to rocks that provide a bit of protection from the wind. I put down my pad and my sleeping bag, take off my shoes and crawl in the bag. At this point I have on 2 shirts and my down jacket and I leave them all on and sleep (sort of) in them all night. I am warm enough and enjoy looking at the night stars and happy I have only 7 miles to go tomorrow morning. A 23 mile day. Here are some pictures on the way up. You might be able to pick up the trail..