It is all about the journeys we take in life. The farm, the PCT, and other adventures along the way.
Pacific Crest Trail – a wild and scenic pathway from Mexico to Canada
Don and Lenora Goodliffe are on a quest to complete the Pacific Crest Trail. Don on foot taking every step along the 2,650 mile trail, and Lenora by car providing support and Trail Magic to Don and other hikers. The journey began in 2015 and is detailed by posts from the trail and from the road covering the first half of the trail. The journey resumes July 2016. Follow them with these links to their pages and posts:
We have opened comments, please feel free to leave words of encouragement.
Please Note: In order to comment – you have to click on the individual post. If you navigate from the PCT links below – click on the post heading to get to the individual post. Alternately, you can find the post listed in the left hand navigations.
A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.
– Aldo Leopold